As we speak of ourselves, we tell what we have done, but our true identity is what we have become.
Our intellect contains learnings and teachings, but our hearts hold knowledge.
We can only convey what we have integrated into our beings.
I am a victorious of a destructive cult. I know from first hand experience how body changes and stores trauma. I have combined different techniques and methods in my practice to heal and release the trauma stored in our system. My experience while in the cult and after leaving, has been the greatest teaching of my life which I am grateful for. I will continue to share my story at Dawn Light.
I have been in spiritual practices both as a student and teacher for more than 25 years.
I have been a teacher for +100 Yoga instructors and countless students. I am a Yoga, Breathing, Meditation instructor, Reiki master, and Life coach in progress.
I featured in 6 Yoga DVDs and countless TV appearances.
I have managed 3 studios, organized retreats with hundreds of people at one point in my life.
The Holistic Somatic Practice involves all the knowledge I have distilled during these years.
I also hold a B.Eng. in Chemical Engineering, Business Diploma and Project Management certification. I have quit my corporate work because I felt that the only way for me to be is sharing what I have experienced and learnt over the years.
I lived in 5 different countries on 3 different continents. I am a proud Turkish – Canadian.
I strongly believe that spirituality has no address. It belongs to everyone without exception.
Spirituality is in every bit of life, not in "communities" where "duty" egos are satisfied.
Every individual, every living thing in the universe, without exception, has a dharma, soul mission or duty.
Everyone's duty is equal.
There is no difference in terms of duty between the one who waters flowers and the one who tells spiritual knowledge.
The most valuable knowledge lies within yourself, in your own experiences.
Each of us is both a student and a teacher in the world. We are each other's "teacher". Because we all teach each other something.
Knowledge is in everyone's personal experience.
Knowledge is not in the class of "high spiritual priests" whom should stop playing "duty" in their sandbox and get out of their temple where they eliminate their lack of self-worth.
We should stop idolizing knowledge, duties and individuals.
‘’I know the best’’, ‘’I tell the only right’’, ‘’Everyone is wrong except me’’, ‘’ I am the highest one in charge’’, ‘’I am the best spiritual leader’’ kind of approaches should be left and every individual’s ideas and experiences should be valued. There is no clergy in spirituality. The era of worshiping ideas and criticizing, vilification everyone but yourself, has been long closed.
I come to know that;
Acceptance takes time.
Your worst enemy is your greatest teacher.
Nobody can teach you self worth.
You can only go as high as you go deep within.
This is my commitment to you:
While I will not tell you what way to take, I will be by your side as you take it.
As you face your truth, I will hold a nonjudgmental mirror and space for you.
While I cannot heal you, I will share how I heal myself.
About the practices I offer:
One of the pillar of the practices I offer at Dawn Light is movement with intention.
When we move with intention, we pay attention to the senses coming from our bodies. We face our limits. We face our emotions that we have stored over time. Our bodies accumulate our thoughts, emotions like a storage house of our life and even not only our life but also our ancestors'. It is like a storage house of our history. When we move with intention, through a practice like Holistic Somatic Practice or Yoga, we discover our bodies and our limits initially. Eventually we come to understand our emotions and we face ourselves. Then a magical thing happens when we face ourselves, we start to heal. That is why movement is medicine.
Movement is not just for the body. It is spiritual. While in a posture, we bring the sacred geometry of the universe into form. Postures have countless benefits for the body, but their effects reach beyond the physical. In a posture, we bring the healing power of form to the formless. Our formless parts, emotions, and thoughts are healed by the healing power of that sacred form. Movement ties the intangible to the tangible world. Movement is medicine by all means. It heals us in many different layers and dimensions.
If you are interested in Holistic Somatic Practices or any other practices I offer at Dawn Light, you can book a session through links below.